Groups can be created and joined right in SeaPeople, allowing user a chance to learn, share, build connections, and become a part of the boating community from anywhere in the world.

Some highlights from SeaPeople groups are: Search and sorting options based on location, popularity, and verification status. Verification for bonafide organizations and groups that promote in-person events or gatherings. Group member directories and mappable member locations. Easy add, edit, and removal or groups right in the app.

Our mission:

Give the entire boating community a place to discuss everything from regional gatherings, local weather, global topics relevant to our community and more, right inside of SeaPeople. As well as provide bonafide organizations a platform to interact with members, have a beautiful directory, increase member engagements, and have more fun!

Frequently asked questions

Why does location tracking need to be set to "always" rather than "While Using the App"?

Why does location tracking need to be set to "always" rather than "While Using the App"?

Why does location tracking need to be set to "always" rather than "While Using the App"?

Why does location tracking need to be set to "always" rather than "While Using the App"?

Will tracking continue to work if I close the app or turn off my phone?

Will tracking continue to work if I close the app or turn off my phone?

Will tracking continue to work if I close the app or turn off my phone?

Will tracking continue to work if I close the app or turn off my phone?

Will tracking kill my battery if I keep it on?

Will tracking kill my battery if I keep it on?

Will tracking kill my battery if I keep it on?

Will tracking kill my battery if I keep it on?