Verified vs. unverified groups
SeaPeople groups are designed to bring boaters together, offering a space to share knowledge, build connections, and participate in the community. Groups come in two types: verified and unverified. Here's what you need to know about their differences and the benefits of joining verified groups.
The difference between verified and unverified groups
Verified Groups
What kind of group is verified: SeaPeople will verify groups that are bonafide organizations. Clubs with existing members outside of SeaPeople, boat owners associations if started by the manufacturer, boating schools with brick and mortar locations, etc. This allows users to know with confidence they are joining the official groups for that organization.
Profile visibility: Membership in verified groups is publicly displayed on your profile, showcasing your affiliations and interests to other users.
Enhanced branding: Verified groups can upload both a logo (avatar) and a cover image, offering better customization and recognition.
Prioritized in filters: Verified groups appear at the top of the group filter in the Explore page, making them easier to find.
Verified badge: A badge is displayed next to the group’s name across the app, signaling its authenticity and status.
Unverified Groups
What is an unverified group: Most discussion based groups about areas, topics, tech and more fall into the unverified group. Or groups that have not sought verification yet.
Privacy: Membership in unverified groups is private and does not appear on your profile.
Basic features: These groups have access to standard features but lack the enhanced branding options and prioritization of verified groups.
Benefits of joining verified groups
Visibility: Joining verified groups allows you to showcase your membership on your profile, signaling your active participation in the community.
Credibility: The verified badge indicates that the group is authentic, fostering trust among members.
Easier discovery: Verified groups are prominently displayed in filters and search results, making it simpler to connect with active and reputable communities.
Enhanced community engagement: Many verified groups are hubs for popular or official communities, offering more opportunities for meaningful interactions and networking.