Joining and discovering groups in SeaPeople
Groups in SeaPeople are a great way to connect with like-minded boaters, share experiences, and find support on the water. Here’s how you can join and discover groups to enhance your SeaPeople experience:
How to find groups
In the Groups tab
Navigate to the Groups tab to find the Discover section located below the "Your Groups" section. Use the sorting options to personalize the list and find the most relevant groups. You can sort by popular, nearby, global, verified, and new groups.
Use the search bar in the Groups tab to look for specific groups by name, keyword, or location. Verified groups will display a badge indicating their status.
Joining groups
To join a group, tap the “Join” button on the group’s page. Once you join a group, you’ll unlock the ability to post and comment within it.
To view the groups you’ve joined, go to the Groups tab and swipe horizontally through the "Your Groups" list.

Who can see your group membership
Member list: Your affiliation with the group will be visible in a list view if another user taps the participant count on the member page.
Member map: Other members who have joined the group can see your location (per your privacy settings) by clicking 'view on map.'
Profile display of group affiliation:
Verified groups: Membership in verified groups is publicly visible on your profile, showcasing your involvement in these communities.
Unverified groups: Membership in unverified groups remains private and will not appear on your profile.