User & boat profile

Building a SeaPeople profile

Building an ideal SeaPeople profile

Your profile is your digital identity on SeaPeople, shaping meaningful interactions within the app and on the water. Take the opportunity to craft a comprehensive profile that authentically reflects who you are. Start with your personal profile, then add boats.

Your personal profile serves as your digital logbook, documenting your adventures over time, and can be used as a tool to find and create relationships within the boating community. Within your personal profile you can create or join boat profiles, accurately log your trips with the appropriate vessel and crew.

Name vs username: SeaPeople utilizes usernames for @mentions in chats and to differentiate users with the same name. Your username is prominently displayed on your profile header. When users search for your name or boat's name, our smart search automatically populates your username in the search results.

Individuals vs boats: SeaPeople is designed for individual users to have their own distinct identities. While you can create an account for a boat or a couple, you'll miss out on logging personal miles and experiences, engaging in conversations with friends, and more. Your vessel is created within your profile, and you and your crew will stack on this vessel on the explore maps. We know many people may recognize you by your boat's name, and that's why we make sure your visibility and searchability within the app are always possible all names and boat names.

Hailing port: This is where you are from, or where your vessel is from.

Support types: Boating is made better with the support of fellow boaters and shoresiders. Choose from various ways you're willing to support your boating community so others can find you if they need assistance. It's a great way to connect with people.

Groups: All verified groups you’ve joined will be displayed on your profile page.

Social media links: Share your Instagram and other social media profiles with other users by adding links to your profile edit screen. Enter the entire profile URL, Ex:

Visibility and settings: Currently, there are no private profiles in SeaPeople. You can adjust how and if you display your location, but your profile will remain searchable. This accessibility is essential for Sea People to improve traditional VHF and AIS communication methods and facilitate connections among boaters.